Striking The Balance With Tara Barton, CEO of Birch & Wilde

Striking The Balance With Tara Barton, CEO of Birch & Wilde

Hitting the balance – listening to my body when it tells me to stop, if I have not been able to listen to my mind before that. Learning my own personal tell-tale signs. Learning to walk away, even if I haven’t ‘finished’. Loving and nurturing myself first so I am not constantly living in the loop of ‘pouring from the empty cup’ and wondering why I struggle!

Just a small taster of what this weeks episode covers! I am so excited to bring you in on this conversation with my dear friend Tara. Tara has suffered from burnout, so knows first hand the huge impact it can take on our lives, this is also why Birch & Wilde was created – to help others to ditch the burnout ride. 

So grab your favourite drink, and get ready to be in the conversation to create balance in your life. 


Special offer: 20% OFF with discount code: SLAYER20

BURN OUT (Part 1): The 8 Most Important Signs You Might Suffering From ‘Burnout’

BURN OUT (Part 2): The 7 best ways to Support Yourself To Avoid ‘Burnout’

Connect: Instagram

Burnout Slayer® In conversation with Shannon




Don't forget: I am gifting FREE 2 week bootcamp spaces to a handful of service based business owners that are looking to delegate in the next 12 months, but want zero stress in the process.

You're perfect for this if you have a service based business that is growing and you're future planning creating your delegateable business™ and know you don't want to suffer the common headaches many others do from lack of preparation. OR you currently delegate but need to add to/restructure your team but cannot face the carnage you have had previously and you are determind to make sure this time it is different!

If this is you, pop me a DM with the word 'BOOTCAMP' and I will share the juice deets.


Hear what my incredible clients have to say...

CVA Associates
Jo Oogarah – Jo Oogarah Coaching
"I have just completed the Simple Systems to Scale Group Programme and I wanted to share how amazing it has been for my business. As someone who is not naturally organised and hates anything filing etc, I was a bit wary of starting the course, especially at the start of my business journey, but it has been so useful. I now can find things easily which saves me so much time onboarding clients and keeping track of who I have spoken to. For the first time I have a proper system for all the functions of my business. I would thoroughly recommend taking this course to really start to see what is going on in your business and managing it so much more effectively in the day to day. Thanks so much Charlotte!"
CVA Associates
As someone who is not naturally organised and hates anything filing etc, I was a bit wary of starting the course, especially at the start of my business journey, but it has been so useful.

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