Business Systems

Business systems is the term used for a range of strategies that creates a specific outcome. For instance, you have a marketing system. And then a bunch of strategies that make that outcome of marketing possible.
So today I’m going to talk about what are business systems, and actually who needs them
The objective behind, having a business system means that you are able to have a goal behind your strategies of what you are going to achieve. And it then means you’re able to track your wins with ease. Because you’re being consistent with a particular strategy, by having your system set up. It means that you can really put your efforts into that strategy to see if it’s working for you, your business and your audience.
Without a system. Sometimes we put in strategies that we’re not really too sure what the goal is. For instance, are you doing email marketing. Are you doing that as a marketing tactic? Are you doing it to raise awareness? Or are you doing it to create sales? So, should it be part of your marketing system, or should it be part of your sales system?
Depending on which of the business systems you want that to be part of will depend on what process you’re going to carry out with the email marketing
It’s going to depend on what calls to actions, you’re going to use. It doesn’t mean that if you are using email marketing as a marketing tactic that you then can’t use email marketing as a sales tactic. You can have it as part of both. But what you’re actually tracking for the separate email strategy will be different.
So for instance, if we’re talking about the marketing side, and you’re using email marketing to market your business and raise awareness, you’re going to be tracking different metrics than what you would if you were using email marketing to send sales emails.
So, the metrics, you’re going to track for your sales system is going to be more based around your purchase rate your click-through rates, your revenue that that’s generated.
Whereas when you’re tracking it for your marketing system, you’re going to be looking at more of the engagement right how long they’ve stayed in that email, have they taken any action in there. Are they going through and following you on social media.
So, as you can see they’re very different metrics that you are going to track
So having a system in place, means that you are able to gain a clear view of what you’re doing with that specific strategy at any one time. It also creates an organised structure and solid foundations of any business. So when you have systems in place.
They are usually then, accompanied by strategies and processes. Which means that you’re able to onboard people with a lot more ease, you’re able to create more consistency. And you don’t constantly reinvent the wheel.
So you’re not constantly starting a strategy from fresh, which a lot of people do
A lot of people think, Oh, I’m going to try out some email marketing. But actually, they’re not consistent with it because they haven’t built up that system. And that strategy and process in order to help them be consistent. It generally takes us a rule of thumb around 90 days to see whether or not a strategy is going to work for you.
But that’s 90 days of being consistent it means posting on the same day the same time, the same tone of voice the same objective behind that particular strategy.
If you’re not doing that consistently, you’re not going to see results at 90 days
But also you are not going to understand whether or not it is the right strategy to use. Or whether or not it is the wrong strategy to use because you haven’t given that time to embed into your audience to see what return you’re getting back.
So the next question you may have is well who needs them
My view is every single business should have systems in place. It doesn’t matter if you’re a one-man-band or one-woman bands, you should still have systems, because as I’ve touched upon earlier. It doesn’t just create ease when onboarding a team member or keeping things organised when you have multiple people working on things.
Actually it creates the consistency and the foundations that you need in order to run your business. It doesn’t matter how great you are a particular topic, or your industry, we all become busy, right, and especially if you are running as a one woman or one man band. You’re going to have client work, that’s going to be a priority because that’s the one that’s going to be paying the bills.
But you’ve also got your business to think about
And when you’re constantly reinventing the wheel, it becomes exhausting. So having a system in place, means that you are able to create those solid foundations and make life a bit easier for you. It also means that you’re able to easily streamline and automate what’s going on in your business. So I hope you found that helpful.
As always, if you need any help or if you’re unsure where to start, then to get in touch. Or if you want to learn more about how we could help you with systems in your business. Then get in touch because we have got something that will be coming very soon, that will really really help you implement that into your business.
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