The Reason Your Audience Is Not Buying

So, you’ve got an audience. You’ve warmed them up. They’re not really buying, and when they are they’re not coming back to buy again. There’s one main reason that I find that your audience isn’t buying.
That’s because of your customer journey
So, your customer journey is what takes a customer from A to Z. How do they go from now, all the way through to working with you. But then also what to do when they are clients. That is your customer journey.
A lot of people kind of stop midway
So, the end objective of their customer journey is to get the sale. They don’t think about after the sell, and they don’t really think about the in between. They just want to get the revenue for the door. And I get it. That’s the most important thing, right, because we don’t want to have a hobby, we want to have a business. And in order to have a business, you need to create revenue.
But taking some time to really really work on your customer journey can make such a difference
It can mean that
- You get more sales
- That you get your customers wanting more from you
And they stay with you longer because, ultimately, the biggest metric that you should be tracking with your sounds is your customer lifetime value LTV. So, how long are your customers staying with you? And that’s especially important if you’re running a service business that you’re offering a retainer to save every month you’re doing some work for that client, it’s really, really important to see what that life value is.
So, for instance, if you’re paying money on ads and say your customers cost you 1000 pounds to get, you’ve got one customer. And they stay with you for three months but that they have the option to stay with you longer say they only stay with you for three months. In three months, you could have maybe generated say 2000 pounds.
That’s not really great although you’ve made 1000. That’s 1000 spread over three months
So you really want to be looking at that more, because what you could get is you could have paid 1000 pounds to get that client and then they could stay with you for 12 months, 24 months, even longer. And that means that that customer is generating a massive return on investment from the investment you’ve made in the ad from getting the client.
That’s why lifetime value is so, so important when it comes to your clients and your customer journey.
Looking at what your customer starts, where that traffic comes in, then looking at how you nurture them. How do you warm them up, how do you nurture them, you and then you look at how do you ask for the sale.
Are you going in to soon asking for a sale or are you leaving it too long, or are you not really hitting the point that they need in order to say yes to that sale? And then if they do say yes. How you onboarding them. Are you just kind of, you don’t have any systems in place you don’t have any processes so you just fumbling your way through?
So your customers are getting a bit confused
Let’s face it, a lot of customers that come to us they’re overwhelmed and they really need what we’re selling. So the last thing you want to do is add to that overwhelm by having a mediocre onboarding process.
Once you’ve on boarded them
How have you been communicating with them, how are you retaining them how you connecting with them, how are you showing them the value that you’re bringing because a lot of the time, especially service providers. We really put a lot of value into a business, but it’s not always visible to your clients because they’re busy, they’re not going to keep checking up on what you’re up to. They want to be told. Actually, this is the progress we’ve made. And we’re on on track to make the progress to your desired goal.
This is why having a customer journey is so important. And it’s also why a lot of the clients that haven’t come through as a sell. Don’t buy or they don’t stay with you. It’s because your customer journey is not hitting the spot.
So, at the end of the day, we are human. Making someone feel special making someone feel that they have in the right place making someone feel good when they’re stressed out or they’re overwhelmed, that they have your support. And that can only come across, if you integrate that into your business and your customer journey should also be looking at your values, so making sure that your values and your mission, why that client signs up with you in the first place, really shows in the journey that you’re taking them on. You want to a lot of the time, handhold, the client through the entire journey.
I hope you found that helpful on The Reason Your Audience Is Not Buying
And I’ve really really hope that if you haven’t looked at your onboarding or your customer journey, and you haven’t got process in place for that I really hope that this has shown you that it’s really important step to have in order to generate more revenue.
I’m going to be talking later in the week about the steps you can take to actually create a customer journey, that’s going to stand out from the crowd. So, if you want to join me on that then make sure you stick around for Thursday because that’s when it will be going live.
Get in touch if you have any questions.
The Reason Your Audience Is Not Buying
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