Today I am talking all about the Essential Systems That Drive Your Business To Scale. Now, it’s no secret that I am a huge fan of systems, processes, and automation. Because I truly believe that by having systems processes and automation in your business. This means that you are able to really scale your business to levels that you never thought were possible without burning out! I think all business owners get to a point in business where they have client work they have money coming through the door.
They’re trying to keep up with everything without the Essential Systems That Drive Your Business To Scale.

What happens to procrastination hits us, and we end up feeling very overwhelmed and ultimately close to burnout.
So that’s why I really really believe that there are five essential systems that you need to have in place in order to be able to say that you are ready to scale your business to new levels. Now, these are the essential systems, there are of course other processes that you would have in your business, but I think as a minimum. These are the processes that you need to have in your systems to be able to really push your business forward.
1. Admin
So, admin, it’s not a sexy word for many, I know that. But admin is essential. Every business has an admin that you need to take care of. And ultimately, one of the processes that I find essential that you need to have in your admin system is your client management. Now, that’s because when you take on your client.
You want to be able to give them the best experience that they could possibly have. And you want to retain that client, as long as you possibly can. So, I really believe that having at least your client management system which would work consists of your onboarding, or off-boarding and retaining.
That is a huge, huge process to have in place, and I think all service based business owners especially should have this in place. You should always be looking out for the parts that you could automate. Because once you have a really good validated client management process there. You are able to then look at where you could automate those steps. So you could save time.
2. Marketing
Because you need to be able to market your business. Now, marketing is not the only thing that’s going to bring in clients, and I don’t recommend that people only focus on marketing to bring in clients. That’s a huge thing, of course, your marketing should bring in sales. But you do need to be looking at it more about building your brand awareness. So you need to constantly be pushing your brand out there to become well known to really carve out your place in your industry. And the way to do that is through marketing. One of the main processes that I believe should be part of your marketing system is your content management.
Content is something that’s so important for businesses, especially businesses that are looking to scale. Content when done right, creates an experience for your prospects.
So, ultimately, you are able to put across your personality, your thoughts, how you work, what you think of a particular situation, how you have solved a particular problem. That’s all done through content. And really enables your prospects to be able to get to know you and feel that they know you already. Because a lot of the time you’re prospects before they even start working with you, or looking to work with you will be looking at what you have done, why you are the best person to work with.
And one of the best ways that you can do that is through your marketing. So making sure that you have a sustainable marketing system in place is really really important before you are able to scale.
3. Sales
Again, you can’t just focus on the marketing aspect and think that that’s going to bring in all the sales. You need to be going out there and getting the sales. So although your marketing may lead to warm prospects going through your sales journey. You need to make sure that you are actually asking for the sale, and going out there finding the people. Because the online world is a noisy place to be. And a lot of the time, no matter how much you’re putting yourself out there, you will find that people who have not seen you are heard about you.
And you want to change that.
So if you see people that are the ideal people that you want to work with. You need to be making sure that you are going out there and getting those people and making them aware of you and having conversations. And that’s the way to really, really get more sales through the door, rather than waiting for your marketing to bring your inbound sales.
So actually going out there and contacting people is the way that you’re going to really get the regular sales through the door until you’re hugely established. Like big brands, and even big brands still going to sell. Because you need to make sure that you are not only marketing, and getting yourself out there, but you’re also getting the money.
Without the money in your business. You have a hobby.
You need to be making sure that you are getting the money to be able to then scale. Because ultimately what scaling your business means is that you are increasing your revenue, but not increasing your operational costs. That’s the only way you can do that is through an effective sales strategy. So making sure that the strategy that you have in place, reflects what you want your business to eventually be.
4. Finance system
So, this is something that many of us hide away from because we don’t want to know where we are financially. Especially as ladies, we don’t like talking about money. But essentially, you need to have a finance system in place so you know where you are at, and it doesn’t need to be a huge, huge system that’s really time-consuming.
You just need to know where you are at month in month out in order to achieve your goals. Because ultimately to have goals that are achievable. You need to make sure that you are being specific, and being specific means that you add numbers.
Otherwise, how are you going to be able to see if you’re on track to your goal if you’re not looking at your numbers? So you need to have a finance system in place that lets you know, and you can clearly see a bird’s eye view of what’s coming in, what’s going out where you are on track for your goal. If you’re not on track for that goal what do you need to change to get back on track? Having a finance system in place enables you to see where you are at, and therefore helps you to scale your business because you are increasing your revenue. And not increasing your operational costs.
5. HR system
So, when you are in the growth stage, that’s usually around the time when you’re getting close to scale. That you would be looking to hire team members that for most people, that’s the scenario. Now, in order to hire successfully.
You need to make sure that you have an HR system in place because you need to make sure that you’re not missing anything when you are hiring people. You want to make sure that you’re hiring the right person for the right role. The right person at the right time and the right person for the expectations that you have from that role.
So what are their responsibilities? And you need to make sure that you follow a set system, so you don’t end up panic hiring. Which many people do, and they think I am drowning in work I need to hire someone. You’re the first person I’ve seen, come on in.
Because it ends in disaster.
Make sure that you are taking the time to hire the right person at the right time. And the only way to do that is when you have a solid system that’s there that you can follow the process through to, to know that you have followed all the steps and you are assured as you can be that that person is the right person for you and your business. Now, without these systems in place. I don’t believe that you would have a scalable business because they are, as I’ve spoken about the basic steps that I think any business that wants to scale should have in place. And I’ve spoken through, as we’ve gone through the points. The reason why I believe those points are absolutely essential.
I hope you have seen that these systems are essential to be able to help you to scale your business. Because the last thing you want to do is reach that scaling stage, and then get thrown back into the established business or growth stage. That’s what happens to a lot of people because they don’t have those foundations there, to be able to sustain the scaling stage.
Because the scaling stage is very intense, and without having those foundations there to be able to support you and prop you up. It means that you are going to fall back to where you were. I hope that’s helped with the Essential Systems That Drive Your Business To Scale. And as always if you have any questions or anything you would like me to cover, then drop me a message, I’m happy to help you.
Don't forget: I am gifting FREE 2 week bootcamp spaces to a handful of service based business owners that are looking to delegate in the next 12 months, but want zero stress in the process.
You're perfect for this if you have a service based business that is growing and you're future planning creating your delegateable business™ and know you don't want to suffer the common headaches many others do from lack of preparation. OR you currently delegate but need to add to/restructure your team but cannot face the carnage you have had previously and you are determind to make sure this time it is different!
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