Steps To Take To Review Your Business System

Okay earlier this week, I was talking about. Do your systems need some TLC. So is it time to look at your systems to see whether or not they’re actually helping achieve the objective that you’re set out to.
Today I wanted to talk through the steps to take in order to review your business systems. Because a lot of people got in touch and said, well that’s great but I actually don’t know where to start. I invested all this time in creating a business system. And I didn’t really think that I would need to keep revisiting them.
And the good news here is, as long as you keep on top of it, it won’t become a massive task that needs to be done
Generally, the rule of thumb is around reviewing your business systems every 90 days. It’s like when you’re planning for your business you’re planning ahead you’re looking at strategies, making sure that you look at the business systems and what their return on investment is back into your business. And whether or not they’re actually achieving the goal that you want them to be is a really good place to start.
So what you really need to do is I’m going to start with your marketing system here. So your marketing system will have the strategies, and then a process and a procedure around what needs to be done. What you need to be looking at is the objective of your marketing systems – the overall objective.
Is it to create more visibility for you. Or maybe it’s to create more authority. Or maybe it’s to generate more leads. Whatever that objective is you really need to look at that and see whether or not that objective is still relevant. So your business is going to evolve and things are going to change.
But if you’ve created a goal that doesn’t now serve, what you’re setting out to achieve. Then it’s time to relook at that objective
You then need to look at the strategies that you’re using
So are the strategies, generating a return. So for instance, if you’re doing email marketing. Are you getting the return that you expect in order to achieve your overall marketing objective? If the answer to that is no. Or it’s not doing as well as you expected, then it would be time to look at a different strategy or tweaking the existing strategy.
Once you have your strategies there and you’re happy with the metrics that you’ve been tracking and you’re happy that it is working towards the overall goal of your marketing objective.
Now it is time to look at the process
So, has the technology evolved so could there be something that you could automate now to save some time maybe save some operating costs. It’s really good to look at the process and just see whether or not that part of the process is still serving. So for instance, if you’re going to be posting on social media X amount of time a week. Is that actually generating anything back, or is there one particular platform that you’re getting more from? So maybe you need to be concentrating on that platform and posting more there and just keeping up your appearance on the other platforms.
Once you have your processes there, then have a look at how you’re actually doing it. Generally, the procedures if the processes don’t change too much the procedures are going to stay generally the same. It’s a really good place to make sure, especially if you are tweaking the process. Just make sure that the procedure, still fits and is in line with the overall process.
Also, then looking at the tools that you’re using
So, for each strategy, or process. Are you using tools or are you really utilising the tools that you’re using? So is there a tool that you could be using for something for another process as well which means that you are then removing at all from your overall toolbox, so you don’t want to become overwhelmed with having tonnes of tools to be using when actually you can maybe use one or two.
And then looking at the people that you’re using
So, especially if you have a team, making sure that you are utilising that team, making sure that what they’re doing is actual strategies tasks that are actually going to bring something back to your business because you’re paying out for that team, you want to make sure that what they’re doing is worth the time that they’re spending doing it. There’s no point having someone on the team that’s doing something that doesn’t really bring anything back, that doesn’t really bring any return in, and you’re paying for it. So make sure that your team is being utilised as it should be.
I hope that’s helped on Steps To Take To Review Your Business System and I hope you have found this useful. It’s really, really good to make sure that you do this as I say, at least 90 days, even better if you can do it as you go along, but at least 90 days is a really good place to start.
If you need some help with all things systems, get in touch because I may have just the thing you need.
Steps To Take To Review Your Business System
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