How To Retain Clients In Your Customer Journey

I thought I would talk about 6 ways that you can retain your clients in your customer journey.
So, retaining your clients is a huge, huge deal in business because, as people say it’s a lot cheaper to keep the clients that you already have. Then to try and go out and find new clients.
A lot of people don’t realise how the customer journey and your client retention really fit in together
I wanted to give you six tips that will help you to really keep that client with you or customer for as long as possible. Because, ultimately that’s what we want, we want to create an experience and be the go-to people in our business. That clients want to come back to and they want to stay with us.
1. Check in
Check in regularly. This is especially important for my business model because I have an agency, which means that my team are the client-facing team. And I want to make sure things are going well because ultimately the business is my responsibility.
I want to make sure that my clients are happy, and I can do that by asking them. I can ask them if they’re okay if there’s been anything that’s, that’s not gone as well, if there are any issues that, they may need my support with.
So, I make sure that I check in with them regularly, when they first start out, and then the longer they’ve been with us. I tend to check in maybe quarterly. Because otherwise, you don’t want to give them an extra thing to do. You know if things are going fine and there haven’t been any issues then keep checking in with them monthly, weekly can just become a bit irritating.
So, making sure that you’re balancing that out for what your client really needs. But ultimately making sure that you are checking in, is really, really important. And it’s not just with my business model, it could be even if you have a product-based business where you’re going to want to check in and make sure your customers are happy with the product. Or maybe you could upsell them so maybe they’ve got that product but actually, they need something else. And that is something that you offer so you could then say, Okay, well actually, I’ve got x y and Z. That will help with this problem that you have.
And then you’re giving them a solution so you’re making sure that you’re checking in and you’re constantly on top of what they need and want.
2. Wow them
So, with your initial onboarding process, making sure that you are creating a process that is that stands out from the crowd. A lot of our customers say that’s where we really stand out. We handhold our clients through the entire process.
We don’t want our clients to have to sit there and think about or figure out what to do next, or what’s going to happen. Make sure we tell our clients what to expect and what’s going to happen next. We don’t just sit there and wait for the clients to come to us we’re proactive. We go out to the clients and say, you know, we’re waiting on this part, can you get that over to us.
Making sure that you are really holding their hands through the entire journey, creates a really great first impression.
3. Surprise them
It doesn’t need to be expensive. Could just be something simple like a strategy call if your clients looking to change direction slightly. You could say, oh, okay, let’s jump on a call and we can chat through and a quick 15-minute call can make a huge difference to that client. By not charging them for that call, because you can incorporate it into your package price anyway means that your client is going to be happier and ultimately they’re going to then succeed. Which will then mean that you will grow with that client.
Again, with a product business as an example, you could send them a little bag of Haribo or you something a little extra. Even a handwritten note just makes a huge difference from a client’s point of view or a customer’s point of view.
4. Support them
So, when times are difficult, making sure that you are supporting those clients and customers through those times. It could be that maybe they are needing some extra support with their copy, and I know of a copywriter. I can say, okay, let’s not worry about this don’t get too engrossed into that copy. If I know someone that will be able to help you with that in X amount of time, and we’ll be able to just get that headache removed.
Then introduce them to the copywriter, but I don’t just introduce them and send them off. Make sure you explain the conversations that you’ve had with the client, that you explain the problems the client has. Ultimately they can then know that they haven’t got to keep repeating themselves because that’s irritating right?
You don’t want to have to keep repeating yourself as a client and the customer. When you’ve already said they want, so making sure that you explain the conversations that you’ve had. So that copywriter can then just liaise with the client directly but they already have an idea of what’s been discussed.
5. Look out for the opportunities
So, if you see for instance someone wanting someone to come on to a podcast, and you know your client would be perfect for it. Let your client know. It makes a huge difference. You are then ultimately led giving your client these opportunities that you’ve just fallen upon, maybe on social media or something. It hasn’t really taken any extra work from you, and you can just say, Oh, I found this opportunity I think you’d be really great. You can also say do you need some help to pitch it, or would you be interested in pitching to them? And then again, if they say oh yeah that would be fantastic but they need a bit of help with putting a pitch together. You would then be able to help them do that. So, ultimately, it would also be a win-win for you because it would mean extra work for you as well.
6. Be the solution provider, not the headache
So, this is a really big one for me and my team. Ultimately, we’re not fairy godmothers, we cannot magic things to happen. But we’re going to give it our best shot. An example is a simple workaround so genuinely our clients would have an idea of the outcome that they want to achieve. But they don’t really know about how. And that’s where we fall into place. We pulled together how. But sometimes what our clients need or want from a certain thing isn’t as simple as it would be for something else.
For instance, it could be something like an email sequence that we’re setting up. But maybe the automation side isn’t there or maybe they have to update that tool in order to get that. And if there’s a workaround, that’s going to save the client money and time. We will be able to pull that together. If something isn’t possible as simply, I went together with a normal automation. But there’s a workaround that we can do that will bring them to the same results. We can say to the client. Actually, we can’t do X, Y and Z this way because of x y and Z. But we can do it this way, ultimately is slightly bit longer, but you will get the same outcome.
There we are providing the solution, we’re not going back to the client just saying, No, it can’t be done, because no one wants to hear that
We want someone to be able to help us especially when we’re busy. And we’re so absorbed in our business. We want someone who’s just come to us and say, yeah, that can’t be done that way but we can do it this way. Are you happy with us to go ahead like that? And the clients say yeah. As they haven’t had to sit down haven’t had to try and figure something out. They haven’t had to go into numerous Facebook group’s and ask a question. Or haven’t had to sit on Google for hours on end, trying to work out a way to do it. We’ve gone to that customer and we’ve provided a solution.
So, I hope you found this really really helpful for How To Retain Clients In Your Customer Journey as always. If you are struggling with your customer journey or if you’re worried that it’s going to take too much time. Do get in touch because we can help you pull that together.
Although a customer journey is so super super important. It doesn’t need to be a huge chunk of time. You can automate most of your customer journey. You can automate and then that keeps time for yourself up for these little personal touches that we’ve talked about today.
So, I hope you have found it helpful about How To Retain Clients In Your Customer Journey. And these are steps that you’re going to implement today.
And again, if you do need any help, then do get in touch. We would be happy to help you with any issues that you have with your customer journey.
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