How To Know If My Customer Journey Is Failing Me
So welcome to another episode of what would Charlotte do.
Today I’m talking about how to know if your customer journey is failing you
I get this question a lot. And people say, Well, of course, they have a customer journey but I’m not really sure if it’s working for me. The main way that you can see whether or not your customer journey is failing you, and has some gaps there that need to address is that your customer lifetime value is short.
The shorter your customers stay with you, the more gaps you have in your customer journey
You’re not really wowing you’re not really creating a reason for your customers to stay. So, generally when you’re taking on customers and clients. You want them to stay as long as possible. Because that’s how you’re going to generate the most return, especially if you’re paying for your customers to join you. If you’re using Pay Per Click or Facebook ads, things like that. You’re not going to see a return if that client only comes to you once.
That’s not just a client that might be an ongoing client, it could be a customer that’s purchased a product from you
If that customer doesn’t come back, they’ve not had a good experience. So you want to make sure that the experience they have when they join you, is the best experience possible.
I hope the answer for How To Know If My Customer Journey Is Failing Me has helped and I hope you can see the way to really see whether or not your customer journey does need addressing.
I will be talking through some ways that you can do that and some ways that you can make sure that you have a really, really great customer journey. That means that your customers stay with you.
As always, if you have anything specific you want me to answer do get in touch.
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If this is you, pop me a DM with the word 'BOOTCAMP' and I will share the juice deets.
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