How Often Should I Be Tweaking My Business Systems?
So, welcome to another episode of what would Charlotte do.
So today I’m talking about business systems surprise!! And it’s a question that I’m asked a lot and it’s how often should I be tweaking my business system?
A lot of people don’t realise that actually creating a business system is only part of the process of keeping business systems efficient.
Business systems are like anything else, you can’t just let it sit there and go stagnant, because it won’t work for your business anymore
It takes some maintenance and how much maintenance it takes is really down to your business and how your business is progressing. And all the moving parts.
But one real specific question is, how much do I need to be tweaking because you don’t want to sit there and constantly be tweaking your business system
But as a rule of thumb, tweaking your business system comes into play when you are planning. So say you’re planning every 90 days which is kind of the industry average a lot of people do plan for 90 days.
If you’re planning for 90 days every 90 days you’re going to be reviewing your strategies and what’s going on
And that’s a really good time to add in reviewing your business systems. So making sure that when you’ve set your business system objectives that the strategies that you’re using still work to achieve that overall objective of the business system.
Because if the strategies aren’t working as they should be. Or they’re not aligned as they should be. You’re not going to be getting the overall result of that system.
So, checking to make sure what strategies are working really is good every 90 days. Because it takes around 90 days for something to really shine through. And for you to start getting results.
So you need to give a strategy at least 90 days to be able to really embed
And it needs to be consistent as well. There’s no point in setting a 90 day, kind of goal for planning if you’re not doing it consistently because you’re not going to get the correct metrics from that.
So making sure that you are that you’re tweaking your business system every 90 days. Along with your strategies, and your processes if the strategy changes, or maybe there’s some more tech that you want to invest in. Or you’ve realised that actually haven’t utilised the tech tool, as you should then again that will kind of tweak the process.
It doesn’t need to take tonnes of time, because ultimately you shouldn’t have loads of strategies
If we’re talking about your marketing system. Generally, you’re going to want three or four strategies to start off with until you’ve actually got a team or your business has grown. Because otherwise, you’re going to overwhelm yourself. So, generally around the four strategies works really well because it also fits into your customer journey for AIDA.
Following the AIDA rule when it comes to marketing, you can make sure that each, each strategy has a specific objective to be able to achieve your overall marketing goal
So, I hope you found that helpful. And I hope it’s not been too much information but I like to make sure that I’ve explained the reasoning behind. I know some people may disagree and say that you don’t really need to do anything with your business system but ultimately to keep it efficient, you do, you do need to keep it up to date. And it is the same with anything you know if you don’t do anything to your house, you know, things wear out and over time, things start to break things start to go wrong. And that’s exactly the same in business.
I hope you found the answer for How Often Should I Be Tweaking My Business Systems helpful
As always if you have a specific question that you want me to answer, then make sure you don’t you know get in touch. and I’ll do that for you.
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