Does Your Automating Feel Like A Robot?

Does Your Automating Feel Like A Robot?
So, a lot of people say about automating and it’s a really controversial topic because you’ve got people that are against automating. And then you have people that are very much pro automating. I am someone that loves automating, anyone that knows me knows that. And there are tonnes of reasons why, but I am also very much aware of why people do not like automating. So, that’s why I’m going to talk to you about today.
With automating, you can run the risk of in sounding like a robot effectively
You can run the risk of pushing people away because people want to be nurtured and human beings like human interaction. One of the main reasons that automating for a business may not work is because it is not done smartly. What I mean by that is when you automate a particular process within your business. You should be automating as much of the process, as possible. But you should also be adding nice tos.
What I mean by that is, with your process you would have your essentials. And that’s everything that needs to be done in order for that outcome to be achieved.
And your process will form the essentials part. Well, you’ll also have our non-essentials, but they’re nice twos
And those are parts that a lot of businesses don’t get around to doing because they’re too caught up in doing the essential part of the process. Because let’s face it, you have to do the essential part, in order to achieve the outcome.
But what you can do with automating is to make sure that your essentials part of your process is automated, as much as possible. And for most processes, you can automate pretty much the entire process.
Then what you can do is once you’ve incorporated that automating side, you can then look at the nice tos, and you can incorporate that into the process. Because you have time to do it.
One of the reasons and one of the main things that hold businesses back is time
It’s something that is more important than anything else in the world because we only ever have so much of it. And what then ends up happening is that we end up focusing on the stuff that needs to be done, but we’re doing the task all the time. Rather than having it running in the background and working on the things that can really push the business forward.
That’s where automation comes in
So make sure that you are filling some gaps or filling some time that you have after automating that process with things that are going to make you stand out, will make a huge difference in your business growth.
It will be the thing that will make you stand out from your competitors, and it will be the thing that makes you come across as a person, especially as a service provider. And this doesn’t need to be something huge and something that’s going to cost loads of money. It can be something as simple as saying to the client. Welcome on board, if we were looking at a client onboarding process.
You could then say, let’s have a catch-up and see where we’re at. And you can also use that call to benchmark the client as well. So maybe if you’ve done that, say, a month after you’ve been providing the service to the client. The client is going to feel that that personal touch is still there. And although they’ve been automated through a process. Which by the way should make the process a lot easier for the client. That’s the point around automation is not only freeing you up, but also making sure that there are no gaps in a process. So again, if we’re looking at your client onboarding process.
We’re going to look at the entire workflow to see what’s happening in that process, and we’re going to make sure that that’s automated as much as possible
Not only for your benefit but for your client’s benefit. So, a lot of the time it could be just an email that’s going to say right over the next couple of days, you should expect, x y Z over the next couple of days, you should be able to provide us with x y and Z, in order to make sure that we’re working so time.
And those are things that take up a lot of time as a business owner, then ends up if you don’t do them that the client sits there and they’re confused. They don’t know what’s expected of them, they’d like to have some hand-holding.
And that’s where the automating piece comes into play
And then, by you really being hands-on and offering a call. You’re not only then benchmarking the client and saying, actually you started here, we’ve made some good progress. We’ve got x y and Z or we’ve achieved x y and Z.
Now, let’s look at the next month, what can we do to increase those results? What can we do to help you even further?
That’s just an example of something that you can do to really stand out for your clients. And to really stand out from your competitors. Making sure that you’re automating the right way is essential.
And there are tonnes of ways that you can do it where it’s not going to work very well!
So making sure that it’s done right, is essential in order to make sure that you’re not going to lose business but you’re also using it in the right way
And your clients aren’t feeling like they’re talking to a robot. So I hope that’s helped you. Sometimes automating can become quite confusing. I get it because, in order to automate successfully, it’s going to take some time commitment to put those things in place.
If you do have any questions around automating. Or if you would like someone to sit down with you and just go through that process and what that looks like. Then do feel free to get in touch.
I do also have something really exciting that we’ll be launching very soon so if automating is on your list, then definitely make sure you’re on my mailing list to hear the updates on what’s happening with that. I hope you got a lot from this weeks blog on Does Your Automating Feel Like A Robot?
Does Your Automating Feel Like A Robot?
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