Does Automating Take Away The Human Side?
I am back for another episode of what would Charlotte do.
Today I’m talking about automating. Something that a lot of people say to me is that they have not automated because they feel that it’s going to take away the human touch.
And, to an extent, if it’s done wrongly, then you can risk doing that. I always approach automating, as in. You’re automating to save time so you can add more of a personal touch. Automating shouldn’t be approached, as in, I automate and you run away and that’s it, your clients don’t hear from you. And you just think everything’s running in the background.
That’s the wrong approach!
You really need to be making sure that you are on top of it and the time that you get back from saving with the automating side. You need to be adding things that are going to make you stand out. They’re going to make you stand out from the crowd. And you’re not going to be hidden away with automated business with loads of time and sun yourself down the beach.
That’s not automating smartly
So making sure that you’re automating smartly is essential in order to keep that personal human side to your business.
For instance, if you were to automate your onboarding process. You can automate, most of that process if not all of it. Once you’ve done that, you can then use some of that time to then do something a bit extra for your client.
So you could use that time to maybe give them a 15-minute call to see how things are going. Which you probably wouldn’t have been able to do if you weren’t automating most of that process.
I hope that makes sense. And it’s something that a lot of people say to me. They say that’s their biggest fear around automating is there’s this side to it that people say you shouldn’t be automating because you’re going to sound like a robot and people don’t like automating. Whereas actually automation is amazing, and a lot of people do like it. As long as it’s done properly.
So making sure that you are still incorporating other parts to it means that you have one time back, and two, you’re standing out, so I’ll keep banging on about it, but that’s the best thing about automation is that it does free you up to do other things that you wouldn’t have had time to do otherwise. If you have a specific question you want me to answer, let me know.
I hope this answered your question on Does Automating Take Away The Human Side?
And why automating smartly is the best way to automate and also how to do that. Any questions, feel free to get in touch.
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