Do Your Business Systems Need Some TLC?

Business systems. They create a solid foundation for any business. You hear people keep going on about you must have business systems in order to build a solid foundation in order to stop your business going into chaos. But there’s something that a lot of people don’t realise.
That is business systems once they’re created, they still need some TLC occasionally
What people then ask is, do your systems actually need some TLC? How do I know when to revisit my business systems? The simple answer to that is, it really depends on what your objective for that business system is.
People have different objectives for their business systems
It could be that you wanted to:
- Free up some time
- Create more consistency
- Streamline your business
- Automate and save on operating expenses
- Remove yourself as the bottleneck
Whatever that objective is you need to sit down and think about why you put those business systems in place in the first place. And a little tip here, there will be a different objective for each of your business department. So for instance, your marketing business system will have a different objective to what your admin system would have.
When you sit down and revisit what the objective of that particular system actually is. Then it’s time to look at, are they actually doing what you need them to be doing. So are they generating your desired outcome? It could be something simple.
Such as analysing the time spent on the process, versus the return
So, if that’s you’re trying to save some time to free up some time, or to streamline, you could be looking at how much time you’re currently spending versus what you’re actually getting back for that time.
Or it could be that actually, it’s time to expand your team. So maybe if you’re not getting the time back that you anticipated. But the business system is working how it should, and it is creating the objective that you wanted it to. It could be that it’s time to expand.
Systemising a business, it’s not just create it and run it needs time, in order to keep that system work effectively. It’s like anything, anything in life needs a bit of maintenance, your car, it needs an MOT, your car needs some fuel, it needs to be kept up to date with insurance.
The same with your house, so your house needs to be updated occasionally. There’s no difference in business. And especially business systems.
So if you have a business system that worked, but now you’re maybe finding that it doesn’t fit your objective, or maybe your objective for that business systems changed. It could be that you’ve maybe outgrown it.
It’s time for a review a rule of thumb is to review systems strategies and processes, at least every 90 days to keep them fresh and relevant
Make sure you’re looking at the metrics to see what is actually working. So I hope that’s helped. As always, if you have any questions, then do get in touch, and I’d be happy to answer them.
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You're perfect for this if you have a service based business that is growing and you're future planning creating your delegateable business™ and know you don't want to suffer the common headaches many others do from lack of preparation. OR you currently delegate but need to add to/restructure your team but cannot face the carnage you have had previously and you are determind to make sure this time it is different!
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