Are You Leaving Money On The Table With Your Audience?

Are you leaving money on the table when it comes to your audience?
So, a lot of people say this, I have a sales funnel. I have a marketing funnel. That’s brilliant.
But it should go further than just taking your audience from A to buy in
And the reason behind that is because you want to take the customer on a journey. Ultimately that’s what your funnel does, but what typical funnels do is they take the customer from being cold customers, not really knowing you very to buy in. And that’s it.
They’re left stranded in the cold. We don’t want that
They want to be made, feel amazing, and they don’t want to just be stranded in a cold feeling left out there to dry. So, we need to make sure that we’re not just pulling together a funnel we’re pulling together a customer journey.
One of the ways that you can do that is to review your current customer journey
If you don’t have one, you need to get one in place sharpish because your customer journey should take your customer from not knowing you all the way through to buy in, and all the way through, for as long as they are a customer of yours.
Your customer journey should never end
People that say that your customer journey ends once they sign up, it doesn’t. And they’re going to have terrible client retention rates because they’re not continuing that journey with the customer.
So making sure that you figure out where your customers start. So, where does your audience joins so they join your email list so they come from your website so they come from social media, wherever you find in that audience initially.
- How have you been warming that audience up so how are you telling the audience more about how you can help them and how you can solve their problems.
- How are you nurturing them. Is that on your email marketing?
Making sure that you’ve really pulled that into place Really really helped because that’s a gap that a lot of people have. They forget about that nurturing part, and they forget that actually, people don’t want to just join the list and then all of a sudden they’re going to buy your thing.
They need to know more about you
And then going through to the sales. So, how is that audience buying from you? And what does that journey look like? Making sure that you haven’t got any broken links that your cart working that your sales page is telling them what they need.
If you’re then getting a load of questions about the same thing. Make sure you put them on your sales page because that’s something that’s missing. So make sure that you’re listening to your audience.
And that with your sales page if someone has got as far as dipping into their basket, making sure that they go through and buy. So if they abandon their basket eg they don’t by making sure that you have a follow-up sequence that says ‘hey you know you didn’t buy our thing what’s wrong, is it us have we done something is there something that we can put right for you?’
Because that shows that person that you care so make sure that you’re following up with them. And making sure it also means that you’re, pulling and pushing for that sale to have the thing that the customer already needs and wants.
They just may have had a reservation about buying, they may have even just become busy or been interrupted and just forgotten about it.
So just reminding them that that thing is still there, means that they’re more likely to buy it
Anyway, and then making sure that you’re following up with them. So you are following up to make sure that they’ve received it okay. So product or service providers, making sure that they have received that thing that they’ve bought, and they’re happy with it. And then following up and making sure that they’re happy with the results that they’re getting.
Sometimes it could be that someone’s bought this thing but actually needs a little bit something more
And how are you going to know that if you’re not following up with them? Make sure that you’re following up to say, hey, you’ve bought this thing. How’s it working with, with the results, is it helping you with x y and Z problem. If you do need any further support on it we actually have X Y and Z that we could offer as well.
Which would be an upsell, but a subtle upsell of saying, you know, this may not have solved that problem for you but you may now be experiencing this problem
We have this that will be able to help you with that. And then making sure that you’re asking them for a review, so making sure you’re saying to them, hey you’ve bought a product you’ve bought the service. What do you think about it, I would love for you to share with our audience and help get our mission out there.
Because if it’s helped you, I wanted to be able to help all these other people out there. What do you do as a consumer, you make sure that you check reviews and you check testimonials before you purchase. It is the proof, it’s kind of that guarantee that we give ourselves, that this thing is good and it’s worth the money.
Making sure that you’re asking for those reviews is essential
And then, making sure that you’re following up with them. You’re keeping them in the loop. So have you got something going on? Have you got something free that’s maybe going to be amazing for them? Is it is something that is going to help them along on their journey? Is it something that they’ve solved x problem actually now they may be experiencing this problem? You have something that will be able to help them. But without making sure that you’re constantly keeping in touch with them, to let them know you have this thing is vital.
Because so many times if you’ve bought something, you kind of don’t really go back to see if they have something else unless you’re enticed back
Making sure that you’re kind of always pulling the customer and the client back to you, means that you’re really creating a great impression. You’re making their life easy because you’re telling them, you’re keeping them involved.
So I hope that’s helped you with Are You Leaving Money On The Table With Your Audience?
And I hope you can see the difference here between just your standard sales funnel and actually your customer journey. And making sure that your customer journey goes further than the sale is vital.
Your customer journey should never end
It should be as long as you have that customer. So make sure that you keep creating the best journey possible because ultimately it’s going to be a no brainer for that person to come back and work with you. Or buy further things from you.
If you’re constantly making them feel special making them feel amazing making the problems go away. Why wouldn’t they come back?
I hope you have found that helpful if you do need any help with pulling together your customer journey or maybe you just would like some input because you’ve got something pulled together but you, it’s not really hitting the spot, not really stands out. then do get in touch because we’d be able to help you with that.
Are You Leaving Money On The Table With Your Audience?
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